Linutop OS is available for the Raspberry Pi Zero

Linutop OS operating system is able to convert a Raspberry Pi Zero into a dgital signage system.

The Linutop kiosk player software allows to:
- Display Photos, Videos, Gif, PDF and Html.
- Use the cheapest equipment on the market.
- Install Dynamic signage, digital POS in schools, hotels, stores, museums, town halls, factories, businesses, museums, media libraries.

Try the software for free on your Raspberry Pi or PC.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Linutop OS for the small Raspberry Pi Zero

Covid-19 prevention signage with Linutop system!

Linutop digital signage kiosk software can be setup for Covid-19 prevention messages, providing an efficient visual communication.

Configure a prevention messages screen in your company:
- Can be used on any screens
- Linutop OS Installed on a PC or a Raspberry Pi
- Flexible Digital signage player (image, video, web page, pdf…)

- Secure
- Quick to setup (download, configure and run)

Available as a download or an SD memory card.
Compatibility: PC or Raspberry Pi Zero, A, B, B+, 2, 3 and 4.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

Covid-19 prevention slide show

New Linutop OS for Raspberry Pi

Linutop Operating System is available for Raspberry Pi. Available as a download or an SD memory card.

Linutop OS is based on Raspbian with ‘XFCE’ classic graphical environnement. It is supplied with the main Linux software.

Ideal for a Professional use:
-Digital signage (web page, video, pdf…)
-Internet Kiosk (for public secure access)
-Embedded system (car, plane, boat )
-Dedicated use: probe, monitoring …

- Ready to use
- Quick to configure
- Graphical configuration Panel
- Kiosk Software for Secure access or Display
- Hardware Acceleration for VLC
- Security and privacy
- Boot Time < 30 secondes

Compatibility: Raspberry Pi B, B+ and 2.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

Ready to use software

Configuration Panel

Happy New Year 2015!

Paris, January 1st, 2015, 00.00am (Just in Time)

Happy New Year !!
Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Bonne Année !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Gott nytt år !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
Godt nytår !!

So, What’s New?

- Linutop XS Ultra Mini Computer fanless and energy efficient (3 Watts), ready to use.
- Linutop OS 14.04 For Desktop PC, Secure Internet Access, Signage…Try it on your own PC!
- Linutop 5 Mini PCs fanless and energy efficient.
- Linutop Kiosk software for digital Signage and Secure Internet access in public location
- Linutop TV : New Digital Signage Service over the web

Save the snow for the penguin: use energy efficient computing solutions!

recycle an old PC with linutop OS (and save money)!

Linutop Team is wishing you a Happy Green Year 2015!

New Linutop OS 14.04 for PC

Linutop announced today the latest version of its Operating System 14.04 for PC and Intel NUC PC:

- Linutop OS is an optimized version of Ubuntu XFCE LTS 14.04 including up to date Linux drivers and major softwares VLC 2.1 , Firefox 32, Libre Office 4.2 in the smallest package (< 1GB)

- Linutop Security Lock: The system can be locked into read only mode, preventing alterations by viruses or other mishaps. Its ability to recover its initial state at each startup is key to minimizes maintenance costs.

- Linutop Kiosk software :

-Internet Kiosk: Allows users to configure their homepages in full screen with toolbar or not, setup black lists and white lists to control navigation.

-Display Kiosk: Allows users to configure a playlist of Images, Web Pages, URLs, Video, folders, PDF  and sounds files with an intuitive interface, in order to  display the media in full screen.

Key Benefits Main usages
  • Lightweight : under 850 Mb
  • Easy and fast install : under 3 minutes USB install
  • Safe, user friendly and maintenance free
  • Low minimum system requirements for installation on standard PC allowing to repurpose, recycle older systems
    from older Asus such as Eee PC 4G to the latest Intel NUC
    Bay trail (DE3815TYKHE internal Flash) .
  • Internet Kiosk : Waiting room, hotel, office, hospital, school, and library, Public Internet Access…
  • Digital Signage : Store, restaurant, advertising on point-of-sale display, vending machine, kiosk, museum, public transport, city hall, conference, trade show, exhibit…
  • Multi purpose System : Library, school, shared office, business center, small office, factory…

For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

New Linutop OS 13.10 for PC

Linutop announced today the latest version of its Operating System 13.10 for PC

This version, based on an lightweight (650 to 750 MB) and optimized version of Ubuntu XFCE includes the new Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured Internet kiosk or digital signage display.

It also support most of the PCs : resuscitate your old PC with a Linutop OS USB key or in installing Linutop OS on a hard drive or flash memory! prefect for an old XP PC!

Linutop OS 13.10 main features:

- Linutop Lock Security The system can be locked into read only mode, preventing alterations by viruses or other mishaps. Its ability to recover its initial state at each startup also minimizes maintenance costs.

- Internet Kiosk Allows professionals (Internet cafes, hotels…) to configure their homepages in full screen with toolbar or not, to block certain websites or to lock designated websites.

- Display Kiosk Allows professionals to easily (with drag n drop) configure playlist including time and order and support JPEG, URLs, folders and video files.

Linutop OS 13.10 new features :

- An New Linutop Kiosk ! More compatible
- An update of the main Linux software (VLC, Firefox, Libre Office)
- An update of the Linux drivers

All the mini PC Linutop come pre-installed with the new OS.
Try it => free demo for PC download.
Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.
For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.
Linutop OS 13.10 online installation is only 79 euros

Linutop OS easy to install on PC

Happy New Year 2014!

Paris, January 1st, 2014, 00.00am (Just in Time)

Happy New Year !!
Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Bonne Année !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Gott nytt år !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
Godt nytår !!

So, What’s New?

- Linutop OS 5 For Desktop PC, Secure Internet Access, Signage…Try it on your own PC!
- Linutop 5, linutop 2 Mini PCs fanless and energy efficient.
- Linutop Kiosk software for digital Signage and Secure Internet access in public location
- Linutop TV : New Digital Signage Service over the web

Save the snow for the penguin: use energy efficient computing solutions!

recycle an old PC with linutop OS (and save money)!

Linutop Team is wishing you a Happy Green Year 2014!

Linutop 5 mini PC is available!

We’re happy to announce the new Linutop 5, Smaller, silent, energy efficient:
Perfect for secure Intenet acess or silent desktop.

  • Silent (fanless )with no moving part
  • Small ans light (602g 1.3lb)
  • Energy efficient (<14w)
  • Cost Efficient maintenance free with linutop lock.
  • Can be mounted on the back of a  screen (VESA)
  • Room for 2”5 SATA internal hard disk with HD KIT

The new Linutop 5 is powered by Linutop OS 5 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu distribution 12.04 LTS including Internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key .

Boot time below 46 s.
The brochure and the quick userguide (pdf) .
The new Linutop 5 is available on Linutop Shop

New Digital Signage Service : Linutop.TV

We’re happy to announce Linutop.TV : a new Online Digital Signage Service

This service enables to build playlists from various Media files (photos, videos, WebPages …) and broadcast them remotely on a screens network.

Linutop.TV is Digital Signage Solution, energy-efficient, quick to setup and affordable.

Linutop.TV Sevice’s Benefits:

  • - Affordable: Economic model with no time commitment starting at starting at 20€/month per screen. Energy efficient solution.
  • - Online editing made simple: Accessible from any web browser (no software installation needed).
  • - Automated broadcast:c 24/24, 7/7 ability to display offline, with low bandwidth use.
  • - Security: Remote secured management of screens networks.
  • - Compatibility: Linutop Computers or PC with Linutop OS.

Linutop.TV Service is available now:

Service available from 20€/month per screen

Linutop 4 and the black storks nesting evolution

Paris, April 27th, 2012, 17.00pm
In Belgium, some Linutop 4 are used in order to record the nesting evolution of black storks.
The Linutop is protected in a weatherproof box recording viedos of these rare birds.

Videos available here:

Its energy efficiency and small size as well as its low noise level makes Linutop an interesting solution for this kind of use. This is an illustration of many possibilities for Linutop solutions (home automation, cameras, etc.)

Paris, April 8th, 2012, 00.00am

Customer Case Study – Sodexi – Production Line

Paris, 26 Juin 2012, 11.00pm Sodexi (Society of International Express Development), from its headquarters hub at Paris CDG airport is specialised in express transport operations. Sodexi is a subsidiary of Air France – KLM .
Linutop is one of the solution, choosen by Sodexi, to carry out the parcels sorting. With Linutop 2 and Linutop 4, Linutop has many advantages on the production line :
- energy efficient : money saver for 24h / day use.
- maintenance free : thanks its configuration lock system.
- a very small size : small is beautiful !
- easy to set up : save some time in setting it up Linutop is in this case, an ideal technologie.

Linutop LAMP server

Paris, February 29th, 2012, 11.45am

New Linutop OS 4.0 allows a Lamp Server installation in one click to host a web site.

Linutop Lamp Server can be used as a mini web server, in order to keep personal data in-house.

Linutop LAMP server:
LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. This open source software combination is designed to host a web site.

In just one click your web site is ready to go on your local network, accessible from any web browser: PC, Tablet, smart phone…

Linutop LAMP server Key Benefits are:
- Quick installation (one click)
- Energy efficient Sever (8W on Linutop2) ideal for 24/24, 7/7 uses, designed for minimal processing power.
- Small, Silent (fanless) and robust.

Linutop mini PCs are ideal for mini web LAMP servers; it allows customers to securely share information with minimal maintenance costs. With Linutop OS a LAMP server can even run on a PC from a USB key!

Linutop OS Free Demo is available here! (compatible with PCs).

The new Linutop 4 fanless Atom PC is available!

We’re happy to announce the new version of Linutop 4 : more powerful, while requiring less enery consumption (<14w), thanks to its Atom based N270 processor and its smaller size.

Linutop 4 is :

  • fanless with no moving part
  • energy efficient,
  • robust,
  • maintenance free,
  • can be mounted on the back of a computer screen (VESA 10)
  • room for 2”5 SATA INTERNAL HARDRIVE with HD KIT

which is a great advantage over other solutions.

The new Linutop 4 is still powered by Linutop OS 4 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu Gnome distribution including internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key . It boots up around 25 s after bios when installed on the flash card.

The brochure and the quick userguide (pdf) have been updated.

The new Linutop 4 Atom is available on Linutop Shop for the same attractive price : 400€/VAT

Linutop has been sold in more than 50 countries !

Powered by 29travels

Linutop is small and can be shipped anywhere !

The new Linutop 3 fanless Atom PC is available!

We’re happy to announce the new version of Linutop 3 : more powerful, while requiring less enery consumption (<16w), thanks to its new Atom based N270 processor.

Linutop 3 is :

  • fanless with no moving part
  • energy efficient,
  • robust,
  • maintenance free,

which is a great advantage over other solutions.

The new Linutop 3 is powered by Linutop OS 4 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu Gnome distribution including internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key . It boots up around 25 s after bios when installed on the flash card.

The brochure and the quick userguide (pdf) have been updated.

The new Linutop 3 Atom is available on Linutop Shop for the same attractive price  : 340€  w/VAT

Linutop 4.0 is available for all Linutops 2&3 and PCs !

Linutop announced today the latest version of its operating system 4.0

This version, based on an lightweight and optimized version of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Gnome is now replacing Xfce)   includes  the new Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured internet kiosk or digital display.

It also support most of the PCs: Now wake up your old PC with a Linutop OS 4.0 USB key !

Linutop OS 4.0 Main features:

- Linutop Lock Security The system can be locked into read only mode, preventing alterations by viruses or other mishaps.  Its ability to recover its initial state at each startup also minimizes maintenance costs.

- Internet Kiosk Allows professionals (internet cafes, hotels…) to configure their homepages in full screen with toolbar or not, to block certain websites or to lock designated websites.

- Display Kiosk Allows professionals to easily (with drag n drop) configure playlist including time and order and support JPEG, URLs, folders and video files.

Key Benefits of the Linutop OS 4.0 are:

- Compatibility - Compatible with i386 PCs hardware.
- Security - full lock up of the system by password
- Small - Only 700Mo with all configured software and languages.
- Energy efficiency - Designed for minimal processing power.
- USB Back-up - The entire OS can be saved and booted on a USB key.

Linutop 2 and 3 come pre-installed with the new OS. Try it out with this free demo download.
Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.
For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.
Linutop OS 4.0 online installation is only 79 euros.
Press Release Linutop OS 4.0

Green PC?

Big energy saver, Linutop is a green computer

Power saver:
Linutop is made with the latest and greatest technology allowing maximum energy saving. With less than 8 watts (linutop 2) of power consumption it is one of the most energy efficient on the market.
Lightweight 580 gr (20 oz) and small linutop has a low energy footprint for it shipping.

Sustainable development:
No mobile parts, no weak parts, ability to lock the software in one state, will increase linutop life cycle and reduce its maintenance cost. Its low number of parts and small size will ultimately make it easier to recycle.

Linutop Kiosk is available!

At the Solutions Linux trade show in Paris in March 2010, Linutop announced the latest version of its operating system (v.3.1). This version includes Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured internet kiosk or digital display.

When asked how this development came about, Frédéric Baille, CEO of Linutop, answered, “Our customers already caught on to the fact that Linutop is perfectly suited for kiosks and display thanks to the fact that it’s energy efficient, low maintenance and easily deployed. Now, we’re giving them the tools they need to deploy this solution simply and efficiently. Compared to other providers of kiosk and digital signage solutions, Linutop is less expensive and has minimal maintenance costs.”

This new kiosk software has the following features:

Internet Kiosk – This software module enables the selection of the starting homepage, locking the Linutop on designated websites and blocking certain websites. Other parameters of the web browser can also be set, including archives management, maximum number of simultaneously open windows, and the timed out message.

Digital Signage – This software module manages the display playlist, including the time and order, and can support JPEG, URLs, and video files. A loop of any combination of these files can be composed by simply dragging and dropping icons.

Linutop 2 and 3 come pre-installed with the new OS. Try it out with this free demo download.

Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.

Linutop OS 3.1 is available in 4 versions: Linutop 2, Linutop 3, eeePC, and the Downloadable ISO Live CD Demo version.

For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.

At the Solutions Linux trade show in Paris in March 2010, Linutop announced the latest version of its operating system. This version includes Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured internet kiosk or digital display.
When asked how this development came about, Frédéric Baille, CEO of Linutop, answered, “Our customers already caught on to the fact that Linutop is perfectly suited for kiosks and display thanks to the fact that it’s energy efficient, low maintenance and easily deployed. Now, we’re giving them the tools they need to deploy this solution simply and efficiently. Compared to other providers of kiosk and digital signage solutions, Linutop is less expensive and has minimal maintenance costs.”
This new kiosk software has the following features:
Internet Kiosk – This software module enables the selection of the starting homepage, locking the Linutop on designated websites and blocking certain websites. Other parameters of the web browser can also be set, including archives management, maximum number of simultaneously open windows, and the timed out message.
Digital Signage – This software module manages the display playlist, including the time and order, and can support JPEG, URLs, and video files. A loop of any combination of these files can be composed by simply dragging and dropping icons.
Linutop 2 and 3 come pre-installed with the new OS. Try it out with this free demo download.
Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.
Linutop OS 3.1 is available in 4 versions: Linutop 2, Linutop 3, eeePC, and the Downloadable ISO Live CD Demo version.
For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.

Linutop OS 3.1 Press release

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