Vitrilia est un fournisseur de solutions d’affichage dynamique dédiées aux agences immobilières.
Pour satisfaire sa clientèle, l’entreprise a besoin d’un ordinateur compact, silencieux et économe en énergie afin de diffuser les dernières informations du secteur simultanément dans plusieurs agences et ce durant les heures du jour et de la nuit sans intéruption.
La maintenance d’un réseau dispersé est toujours coûteuses. Le produit idéal devait donc être fiable et robuste pour fonctionner sans entretien particulier et être facile à installer.
C’est ainsi que Vitrilia a sélectionné le Linutop 2 pour sa compacité, sa robustesse et sa discrétion en fonctionnement. Après 3 années d’utilisation, le Linutop est très rentable sur le long terme de par sa faible consommation et sa faible nécessité de maintenance.
En effet, des fonctionnalités de sécurisation, de réinitialisation et de déploiement du système, minimisent le recours à l’intervention sur site de par leur simplicité de mise en oeuvre.
Par exemple, le déploiement de la configuration d’un poste vers d’autres machines Linutop s’effectue via une simple clé USB, rendant ce processus particulièrement rapide.
Aujourd’hui près de 1000 Linutop 2 fonctionnent au sein d’agences immobilières de tout le pays, parfaitement intégrés aux services de Vitrilia.
C’est donc grâce à ces services portés par la technologie de Linutop, que de grands réseaux d’agences tels que Orpi (photo ci-contre) peuvent diffuser des annonces immobilières personnalisées en temps réel, tout en garantissant un haut niveau de fiabilité et une facture globale peu élevée.
Enfin une solution économique pour de l’affichage dynamique !
Pour plus d’information sur Vitrilia, consultez
We’re happy to announce the new version of Linutop 4 : more powerful, while requiring less enery consumption (<14w), thanks to its Atom based N270 processor and its smaller size.
Linutop 4 is :
fanless with no moving part
energy efficient,
maintenance free,
can be mounted on the back of a computer screen (VESA 10)
which is a great advantage over other solutions.
The new Linutop 4 is still powered by Linutop OS 4 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu Gnome distribution including internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key . It boots up around 25 s after bios when installed on the flash card.
Paris, January 31st, 2011 (Never too late)
Happy New Year
Feliz Año Nuevo
Ein Gutes Neues
Bonne Année
Uutta Vuotta
ukkig Nieuwjaar
Gott nytt år
Felice anno nuovo
Godt nytår So,
Vitrilia, a digital display total solutions provider, specializes in display services to real estate agencies.
The company looked for a small, robust, and energy-efficient computer which would obtain the latest real estate informationvia an internet connection to display at each real estate agency branch.
It was also important that the computer be low maintenance because technical interventions at each branch location would have been costly.
Finally, Vitrilia wanted a small size computer that would be easy to ship as well as discrete.
After considering a number of options, Vitrilia selected Linutop 2 because it is small, robust, low maintenance, and energy-efficient. Also, Vitrilia realized that in the long run, the Linutop would be cost efficient because it is built for high security with a re-set feature that eliminated the need for on-site technical intervention.
Another differentiating factor with Linutop was that the initial set-up settings could be easily replicated across Linutops using a USB key, making deployment across multiple units easy.
Today, nearly 1000 Linutop 2 are used in many real estate agencies as part of Vitrilia’s service offering.
Bertrand, from Frenchweb, recently interviewed (fr) Frederic Baille.
Linutop CEO explains the differenciation of Linutop (hardware and OS) and how it can bring value to Enterprises.
We’re happy to announce the new version of Linutop 3 : more powerful, while requiring less enery consumption (<16w), thanks to its new Atom based N270 processor.
Linutop 3 is :
fanless with no moving part
energy efficient,
maintenance free,
which is a great advantage over other solutions.
The new Linutop 3 is powered by Linutop OS 4 , lightweight and optimized Ubuntu Gnome distribution including internet and display kiosks for professional uses available for download or on a USB key . It boots up around 25 s after bios when installed on the flash card.
Linutop announced today the latest version of its operating system 4.0
This version, based on an lightweight and optimized version of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Gnome is now replacing Xfce) includes the new Linutop’s kiosk software, which simplifies the set up of a secured internet kiosk or digital display.
It also support most of the PCs: Now wake up your old PC with a Linutop OS 4.0 USB key !
Linutop OS 4.0 Main features:
- Linutop Lock Security The system can be locked into read only mode, preventing alterations by viruses or other mishaps. Its ability to recover its initial state at each startup also minimizes maintenance costs.
- Internet Kiosk Allows professionals (internet cafes, hotels…) to configure their homepages in full screen with toolbar or not, to block certain websites or to lock designated websites.
- Display Kiosk Allows professionals to easily (with drag n drop) configure playlist including time and order and support JPEG, URLs, folders and video files.
Key Benefits of the Linutop OS 4.0 are:
- Compatibility - Compatible with i386 PCs hardware. - Security - full lock up of the system by password - Small - Only 700Mo with all configured software and languages. - Energy efficiency - Designed for minimal processing power. - USB Back-up - The entire OS can be saved and booted on a USB key.
Linutop 2 and 3 come pre-installed with the new OS. Try it out with this free demo download.
Existing customers can also upgrade using this USB key.
For more information about Linutop’s operating system, click here.
Linutop OS 4.0 online installation is only 79 euros. Press Release Linutop OS 4.0
We just released a new video, demoing the various features useful for your company or personal use, including :
Secured Internet Kiosk
Digital display solution
You can download an evaluation version of Linutop here and try it on any of your PCs.
We’d be happy to get your feedback (in the comments section) on how you use Linutop and what other useful feature you would like to find in Linutop OS.
Power saver:
Linutop is made with the latest and greatest technology allowing maximum energy saving. With less than 8 watts (linutop 2) of power consumption it is one of the most energy efficient on the market.
Lightweight 580 gr (20 oz) and small linutop has a low energy footprint for it shipping.
Sustainable development:
No mobile parts, no weak parts, ability to lock the software in one state, will increase linutop life cycle and reduce its maintenance cost. Its low number of parts and small size will ultimately make it easier to recycle.
Accor, the European leader in the hotel industry, needed a low maintenance internet kiosk solution for their Orfea hotel lobbies. They looked into Linutop because they realized that with a standard PC, there would still be a need for technical intervention in case of computer crashes and virus attacks, as well as the need to guard against security threats with an anti-virus software which itself would need to be maintained.
When they approached Linutop, they found that the Linutop 2 required very little maintenance because of its secure operating system which could be set to a read-only mode and also be rebooted to its default settings, erasing any prior alterations. Also, Linutop’s light operating system that can be saved on a USB key enabled them to replicate the same configuration in numerous hotel lobbies and backup the default settings at the same time.
Using Linutop 2, Accor was able to implement an internet kiosk solution without requiring on-site IT help. The fact that Linutop 2 is fanless, small, and can be mounted on the back of a computer screen with its mounting bracket allowed Accor to have internet kiosks that were discrete as well.
Later on, after Linutop released Linutop 3, Accor decided to purchase the newer model, which runs on the same operating system as Linutop 2, to replace the older model for their internet kiosks. They chose to reuse Linutop 2 as the digital display solution, presenting their breakfast and lunch menus, as well as weather and traffic information.