Digital signage in beauty salon

- About the Beauty Institute: Le Poudrier
Located in the town of Vigneux de Bretagne, the Beauty Institute Le Poudrier welcomes men and women in a warm, quiet, and comfy atmosphere.

- The Need
For more than 12 years, this institute has been striving to improve its quality of service. Le Poudrier saw in digital signage a mean to modernise, dynamize and improve its attractiveness.

- The Solution
keops Automation , a company specialised in industrial monitoring selected the Linutop solution. The digital signage software allows Le Poudrier to display information, images, videos and in order to:

- Promote different treatments and cares offered.
- Highlight every new products and new promotions.
- Show the treatment process to reassure customers.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage in Beauty Institute

Linutop OS is now available for the Raspberry Pi 400

The Raspberry PI 400 is a miniature computer integrated in a keyboard. It is an affordable solution to build an Internet Access Kiosk.
The Linutop OS operating system with its Linutop kiosk player software will secure a web page access on Internet or a local web site, an ideal solution for public places, such as companies, museums, libraries, trade shows.

The Linutop OS is the easiest and fastest way to configure a Kiosk.
Benefits are:
- URL locking.
- Navigation bar or full screen options.

The solution is affordable and quick to install.
Try the free software available for Raspberry Pi 400 and PC

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Linutop OS for Raspberry Pi 400

Digital Signage and POS in stores

Digital signage makes POS (Point of Sale Promotion) more effective.
VD-Horcera stores use Linutop TV solution to program and broadcast POS messages on its shelves located in Belgium

- The solution is affordable and allows local network broadcasting.
- Linutop kiosk digital signage software is available for PC or Raspberry Pi.
- Linutop XS player can display: PDF, image, video, web page and turn off the screen.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage and POS in stores

Happy New Year 2021 !

Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Bonne Année !!
Gott nytt år !!
Godt nytår !!

So, What’s New? All! Linutop OS - Linutop TV - Linutop XS - Linutop 6

Try it Now! (for free) on PC or Raspberry Pi

Pontet city hall Digital Signage

Pontet city hall has been setup with Linutop XS. Linutop kiosk player software can display agendas, wayfinding, announcements, city-produced videos for residents and visitors.

Linutop XS allows you to display information on HDMI screen.
The following are therefore supported:
- the formats: PDF, JPG or PNG image, video, RTSP, web page.
- the screen sleep mode
This software solution offers, at a very affordable cost, a continuous display even if the network is down.

Linutop OS is available below for PC or Raspberry Pi.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital signage for town hall


Digital Signage – Bernard Chochoy School

Bernard Chochoy School digital signage is set up with Linutop kiosk player and integrated private server. Enhancing internal communication in an educational environnement.

Linutop TV allows you to edit the display “playlist” from a web browser.
The solution can manage:
- formats: PDF, JPG or PNG image, video, RTSP, web page.
- date / display duration
- screen sleep mode

The solution was installed on a Raspberry Pi.
This software offers an affordable digital signage solution without recurring fees.

Linutop OS and kiosk available below for PC or Raspberry Pi.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital signage for a college

Leclerc Atlantis supermarket uses for digital signage

Leclerc Atlantis supermarket broadcasts videos adds on giants LED screens with technology. The Linutop kiosk player software allows LED pannel display with media auto resizing. centralises the video broadcasting management, Totem media communication agency can program the video broacast.

The new Linutop kiosk version, can display Video, Photo, PDF, Page Web and even Web page auto scrolling!

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Video on large LED video display

Digital signage – L’Académie de danse la tour chooses Linutop XS3 solution

L’Academie de danse la tour uses the Linutop XS3 to display its information. Videos of choreography, classical dance, hip hop lessons and photos automatically scroll on the home screen. This display demonstrates trainings more effectively.

Linutop solutions Benefits:
- Economic: (without subscription)
- Quick to set up
- Update by USB key or local directory
- Continuous display of videos, photos, PDF, web page…

Linutop kiosk is a professional digital signage solution.
Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi!

Download Linutop OS digital signagepurchase Linutop OS

Welcome screen with Linutop XS

Covid-19 prevention signage with Linutop system!

Linutop digital signage kiosk software can be setup for Covid-19 prevention messages, providing an efficient visual communication.

Configure a prevention messages screen in your company:
- Can be used on any screens
- Linutop OS Installed on a PC or a Raspberry Pi
- Flexible Digital signage player (image, video, web page, pdf…)

- Secure
- Quick to setup (download, configure and run)

Available as a download or an SD memory card.
Compatibility: PC or Raspberry Pi Zero, A, B, B+, 2, 3 and 4.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

Covid-19 prevention slide show

New Linutop OS for Raspberry Pi4 !

Linutop Operating System is now available for Raspberry Pi 4.
Available as a download or an SD memory card.
Linutop OS is based on Raspbian Buster with ‘XFCE’ classic graphical environment. It is supplied with the main Linux software.

Ideal for a Professional use
-Digital signage (web page, image, video, pdf…)
-Internet Kiosk (for public secure access)
-Dedicated use: Embedded system, probe, monitoring …

- Security and privacy
- Kiosk Software for Secure access or Digital signage
- Hardware Acceleration for VLC
- Boot Time < 30 seconds

Compatibility: Raspberry Pi Zero, A, B, B+, 2, 3 and 4.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

as a download (IMG or NOOBS) or an SD

Happy New Year 2020 !

Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Bonne Année !!
Gott nytt år !!
Godt nytår !!

So, What’s New?
- Linutop OS : For any PC or Raspberry Pi, Secure Internet Access, Digital Signage & more…Try it Now!
- Linutop TV : New Digital Signage Service or as a Private server on your network.
- Linutop XS & Linutop 6. : Mini PCs fanless and energy efficient ready to use.

Recycle an old PC or Raspberry Pi with linutop OS !

The Variety Theater uses for its signage

Since 1807 the theater ‘théâtre des variétés’ welcomes spectators, and uses the signage solution to display information and extracts from shows.

The solution benefits are:
- Affordable cost, based on Raspbery Pi
- Easy to use, no training needed to program the display
- Flexibility allowing to display videos or photos

The new Linutop kiosk version, can display Video, Photo, PDF, Page Web and even Web page auto scrolling!

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Raspberry PI based signage in Theatre main lobby

Linutop OS in NEC 75″ Screen Multisync P754Q demo

The NEC 75” screen with Raspberry Pi compute module can run linutop OS an its digital signage software.

Linutop kiosk software was running on a large high end screen NEC 75” MultiSync® P754Q UHD at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris.

Raspberry Pi compute module can access all the signage functionalities inside the screen like an IOT device.

The new Linutop kiosk version, can display Video, Photo, PDF, Page Web and even a Web page auto scrolling!

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Linutop OS in a NEC Raspberry PI Compute Module

EPSI school is using for internal communication

EPSI engineering shool uses to display school informations and students creations, like videos, pictures, PDF or web pages on screens.

The Digital Signage is designed with Raspberry Pi using linutop OS XS connected to private server. main Benefits :
- Screen management on a local network.
- Affordable: no recurring costs.
- Works on any HDMI screen.
- Continue to display the informations even if the network is down. digital signage is quick to set up for School, college, or University and efficient for internal communication.

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Cafeteria screen

Linutop Kiosk drives a factory with a Raspberry Pi

The company OptoElectronics uses Linutop Kiosk to drive the factory production line.

Linutop Kiosk main Benefits :
- Control via a web page on local network.
- Security: Lock the URL in full screen.
- Compatible with touch screens

Equipment: RaspberryPi + LinutopOS (kiosk included).
Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Production with Linutop Kiosk

Happy New Year 2019 !

Feliz Año Nuevo !!
Ein Gutes Neues Jahr !!
Onnellista Uutta Vuotta !!
Felice anno nuovo !!
ukkig Nieuwjaar !!
Bonne Année !!
Gott nytt år !!
Godt nytår !!

So, What’s New?
- Linutop OS : For any PC or Raspberry Pi, Secure Internet Access, Digital Signage & more…Try it Now!
- Linutop Kiosk : Software for Digital Signage and/or Secure Internet access in public location.
- Linutop TV : New Digital Signage Service over the web or as a Private server on your network.
- Linutop XS & Linutop 6. : Mini PCs fanless and energy efficient ready to use.

Recycle an old PC or Raspberry Pi with linutop OS !

Linutop TV server is now available for Raspberry Pi !

Linutop.TV Server can be installed on a Raspberry Pi in order to manage digital signage of several Raspberry Pi running Linutop OS with Linutop Kiosk player.

Linutop.TV server is accessible with a web browser on the network allowing:
- to load the medias,
- to program the display ‘playlists’
- to broadcast them on differents screens.

- Web interface accessible on the local network.
- Security and privacy (offline use)
- Energy efficient (screensaver)
- Affordable equipment (Raspberry Pi)

Display or audio broadcast for: Schools, clinics, shops, museums, town halls, offices, sports complex, factories …

Digital signage with Linutop.TV server

Supported formats : image, PDF, URL link, RTSP stream, web page, HD video and music.

Compatible: Raspberry Pi Zero, A, B, B+, 2, 3 & 3B+.

Linutop OS Internet KioskLinutop OS Internet Kiosk

GOODPLANET foundation is using

GOODPLANET foundation uses Linutop Kiosk to display High definition and very high quality videos made by Yann-Arthus Bertrand.
Linutop.TV allows video broadcasting.

Linutop tv main Benefits :
- Remote screens management on a local network.
- Affordable Using existing screens.
- Quick set-up and energy efficient.

Set up your player in few cliks,
Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

HD Video at GoodPlanet Paris
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