Digital Signage in High School

- How to communicate in a high school?
Digital Signage is faster than paper display and can automatically broadcast information to welcome students.

- The Solution
Scheurer Kestner High School installed Linutop xs a simple player. Allowing a simple digital signage:
- Displaying class schedules, rooms or posting absent teachers.
- Broadcast images, videos, web pages, PDF.
- Timer for screen sleep mode.

The solution was installed on a Raspberry Pi offering a very affordable cost.
Linutop OS and kiosk available below for PC or Raspberry Pi.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage for a High School

Supermarket’s digital signage for Halloween

Leclerc Bergerac supermarket broadcasts advertising videos with Linutop kiosk player software which displays them on screens decorated for Halloween.

- The Need
A supermarket or store manger is looking for a simple digital signage solution in local mode or in Saas mode to manage its screens at an affordable price.

- The Solution
Linutop digital signage solution allows the supermarket’s hdmi screen management of Videos, images, PDF or web pages and is easy to set up.

- The Benefits
- Advertising screen for promotions and to animate the departments.
- Broadcast videos, images, web pages or PDFs to inform customers.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Supermarket digital signage for Halloween

Digital signage for Après Ski Bar

- How to communicate in an Après Ski Bar?
La Grotte Du Yeti, located in the French Alps with a view on the sloops, wants to manage a digital signage system in its Bars.

- The Need :
To improve communication about Après Ski Bars parties with a simple digital signage system.

- The Solution :
Linutop TV Digital signage system allows the Après Ski Bar to broadcast information abouts its various activities, benefits are:
- To display Photo, Ski Videos and turned off at night.

- Affordable (PC or Raspberry Pi based).
Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

La Grotte Du Yeti digital signage

Digital signage for businesses and industries

- How to manage a digital signage in a company?
Genesienne group , specialist in industrial electrical equipment, wants to manage a digital signage system on its industrial sites.

- The Need :
The company wanted to improve its communication on its production sites with a simple digital signage system.

- The Solution :
Linutop TV Digital signage system allows the company to broadcast information on its various sites, benefits are:
- On premises secure signage management solution.
- Affordable (PC or Raspberry Pi based).
- To display Photo, Video or web pages on screens and turned off at night.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Company entrance hall digital signage

POS digital signage for biscuits shop

POS Digital signage (Point of Sale Promotion) is more effective than paper. Now customers want to taste…
Since 1947, the Desobry Belgian biscuit company uses Linutop to broadcast videos of its products at its points of sale, the digital signage enables to effectively show the making of its biscuits.

- The solution is affordable and quick to setup.
- The Linutop kiosk software can display Video, Photo, PDF, Web Page.

Try the POS digital signage solution, on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Chocolates and biscuits on screen in store (yum!)

Digital signage for sports performance office

The Center for Resources, Expertise and Sports Performance broadcasts its sports videos on a giant LED screen installed by the communications agency totem média The giant screen makes it possible to effectively communicate sports performances. solution allows you to centralize media distribution..

The Linutop kiosk software can display Video, Photo, PDF, Page Web and even Web page auto scrolling!

Linutop OS is available below for PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Video on large video LED panel

Digital signage for Leclerc supermarket

Leclerc Atout-sud supermarket broadcasts videos adds on giants LED screens with technology. The Linutop kiosk player software allows LED pannel display. centralises the video broadcasting management, Totem media communication agency can program the video broacast.

The new Linutop kiosk version, can display Video, Photo, PDF, Page Web and even Web page auto scrolling!

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Video on large LED video display

Digital Signage in retirement home

- How to communicate in retirement home?
Digital Signage helps in creating appropriate broadcast of information for elderly and visitors.

- The Solution
Retirement home «Kirchberg» installed private server. Allowing retirement home screens display management from a web browser:
- Displaying schedules, rooms and retirement home information.
- Broadcast images, videos, web pages, PDF.
- The date/duration of display and screen sleep mode.

The solution was installed on a Raspberry Pi offering a very affordable cost.
Linutop OS and kiosk available below for PC or Raspberry Pi.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage for a retirement home

Digital Signage in Marguerite Yourcenar High School

- How to communicate in a high school?
Digital Signage advantageously replaces the paper display and makes it possible to quickly and automatically broadcast the information to welcome pupils.

- The Solution
Marguerite Yourcenar High School installed private server. Allowing school screens display management from a web browser:
- Displaying class schedules, rooms and school information.
- Broadcast images, videos, web pages, PDF.
- The date/duration of display and screen sleep mode.

The solution was installed on a Raspberry Pi offering a very affordable cost.
Linutop OS and kiosk available below for PC or Raspberry Pi.

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage for a High School

Digital signage for a boat store

- How to communicate in a boat store?
The Linutop solution makes possible to display visual content on one or several screens in order to promote the store’s boats.

- The Need
Uship Nivillac boat store needed to attract customers and demonstrate boat accessories.

- The Solution
Totem media communication agency selected The Linutop Kiosk solution to update the store displays with a USB key with Video, Photo, PDF, and turned off the screen at night.

- Promote boats and accessories
- Showcase the boat equipment and animate the waiting room.
- Show a video of a sailing boat to attract customers.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage for a boat store

Digital signage for hospital waiting room

- How to welcome patients in an hospital waiting room?
The Linutop digital signage solution allows to broadcast videos PDF, web page or images for the hospital waiting room.

- The need:
The waiting room of a hospital is a transitional room between waiting and patient care. A good waiting room must be reassuring and comfortable, but it also serves to inform patients about health preservation by informing them with dynamic messages on a screen.

- The solution:
The Hospital Center of Chateauroux , selected Linutop TV. Linutop digital signage software allows the dentist displays to be updated quickly in order to:

- Broadcast hygiene and prevention messages.
- Provide information about the hospital itself.
- Relax patients with attractive content.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital signage for the waiting room of a hospital

Digital signage for dentist waiting room

- How to welcome patients in a waiting room?
Linutop solution allows the display of various videos or images in order to welcome patients in a dentist waiting room.

- The need:
Dentist waiting room must calm and inform patients. Therefore digital signage can modernise, animate and improve image.

- The solution:
Dr Dahan, dentist , selected Linutop TV. Linutop digital signage software allows the dentist displays to be updated quickly inorder to:

- Promote oral hygiene.
- Highlight dentist equipments and procedures in the waiting room.
- Relax patient.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

dentist waiting room

Digital signage for ski shop

- How to communicate in a ski shop?
Linutop solution allows displaying various videos or images in order to welcome clients in the ski shop.

- The Need
Ski shop have to attract customers. Therefore digital signage can modernise, animate and improve image.

- The Solution
Brun Sports , selected Linutop TV . The digital signage software allows ski shop displays to be updated quickly and to be turned off at night.

- Promote ski rentals offer.
- Highlight sports equipments and animate the waiting room.
- Show the descent of a ski slope to attract customers.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage in ski shop

Digital signage for hair salon

- How to communicate about hair care?
Linutop solution allows displaying various videos or images in order to welcome clients in the hair salon.

- The Need
Hair stylists, hair salon owners have to attract customers. Therefore digital signage can modernise, animate and improve image.

- The Solution
Totem Media , selected Linutop solution. The digital signage software allows hair salon displays to be updated quickly and to be turned off at night.

- Promote different Hair styles.
- Highlight hair care products and new promotions.
- Show the hair styling experience to attract customers.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Signage in hairdressing salon

Digital signage on production site

- How to drive a digital signage in a factory:
Located in France, Staub produces cast iron cookware has an new digital signage system on its production site.

- The Need
Staub wanted to improve its communication on its production site with a New digital signage system .

- The Solution
Elyst Consulting, a company specialised in IT selected the Linutop TV solution. The digital signage server on premises allows to display information, KPI and on the production line in order to have:

- On premises secure management solution.
- Display KPIs or productions score boards.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

KPI Digital Signage in factory

IAE Sorbonne school is using for internal communication

IAE Paris-Sorbonne Business School uses to display school informations and classes scheduels, PDF or web pages on screens.

The Digital Signage is designed with Raspberry Pi using linutop OS XS connected to server. main Benefits :
- Screen management via web browser.
- Affordable.
- Works on any HDMI screen.
- Continue to display the informations even if the network is down. digital signage is quick to set up for School, college, or University and efficient for internal communication.

Try it now on PC or Raspberry Pi !

Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

IAE Paris-Sorbonne screen

Digital signage – Covid-19 prevention

- How stimulate Covid-19 prevention in a public place?
Since the reopening of bars, restrictions are still important. It is essential for retailers, shopping centres and even schools to remind them.

- Linutop Solution
Linutop offers to every company, a professional Digital Signage solution allowing to dynamize restrictions against Covid-19 and provides to everyone a visual and efficient reminder.

- Benefits
• Compatible with all screens
• Affordable (for Raspberry Pi or PC)
• Quick to install (download, configure and run)

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital sinage for Covid-19 prevention

Digital Welcoming Screen – Coprotec

Coprotec is a French organisation specialised for over 25 years in the fields of traditional and renewable energy.

- The Need
Coprotec was looking for easy to setup and manage welcoming screens with smooth, high quality video, at an affordable cost.

- The Solution
After testing, Coprotec then opted for the Linutop Kiosk solution on Raspberry PI

“The Linutop solution present many advantages: simple, quick to set up, economical, secure and instinctive : A ready-to-use solution in just a few minutes”. Jérémy MINETTO, System and Network Administrator at Coprotec.

Player Download: Linutop OS Kiosk playerLinutop OS Kiosk Player

Digital Welcoming Screen
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