With Linutop, go green-it !
As Novirent blog pointed out last month (fr), Linutop helps you save money on your Power bills and act for the planet.
Let’s caclulate the difference of cost/year between 2 configuration (for a display usecase for instance):
- a multimedia PC : 160W(check Power-on calculator to calculate your own)
- a linutop 2 : 8W
Assuming 1kWH is $0,10 (see US power average cost),
* Multimedia PC power cost is : $0,10*24h*30days*12monh *160W = $138 /year
* Linutop power cost is $0,10*24h*30days*12monh *8W = $7 /year
Savings are : 131$ a year !
Now you’ll be able to chose the most valuable PC for your money
PS : thanks to Novirent Blog for highlighting this fact !
Other interesting power costs ressources :